How To Install Wooden Gates

How To Install Wooden Gates

This comprehensive guidance will help you install your new wooden gates, we’ve provided a general installation guide below. Please keep in mind that this information is for reference only and may not apply to every installation. Always follow the instructions supplied with your specific product. If you’re unable to install it yourself, we recommend hiring a builder, joiner, or another qualified professional to complete the work.

Step 1 – Receiving and Preparing the Gate

  • Storage:
    Keep the gate flat in a clean, dry, and secure location, protecting it from extreme weather conditions until installation.
  • Treatment:
    Before attaching any fittings, apply a high-quality oil-based wood preservative as soon as possible. Ensure at least three coats are applied, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Key Areas to Treat:
    Give special attention to all cut surfaces, end grain, rail tops, the bottom of the brace rail, and the top/bottom of boarding joints, as these areas are most vulnerable to water damage.
  • Ongoing Maintenance:
    To prevent moisture penetration and prolong the gate’s lifespan, carry out regular maintenance and reapply preservative as needed.

Step 2 – Installing The Posts

If your posts are already installed and ready to go you can skip ahead to Step 3

We’ve detailed exactly how to install both: In ground (concrete in) posts & Wall mounted posts.

Please click the links below if you still need to install your posts:

Step 3 – Hanging The Gate

  • “Align & Space” your gate(s)
    For driveway and estate gates, we only use quality heavy duty reversible hook and band hinges, these will need to be mounted to the horizontal braces of the gate however ensure you mark all the positions up prior to committing to any attachment. Firstly “space out” your gate(s) with wedges to align your gate(s) prior to any drilling & mounting to ensure perfect alignment. Once alignment is complete, mark all the holes of the hook & band hinges on the post(s) & on the gate(s). Double check again prior to committing to attachment. Our recommend Gap Allowances can be found below.

Example “pack out” preparation image:

Packing Out Install

Gap Allowances for Hinges & Latch

For Double Wooden Gates Only

As per our measuring guide, you would have accommodated an additional 40mm allowance onto your total gate “width” prior to ordering.

This “allowance” will now be used to align and centre your gates between your posts equally, you may do this however you see fit, we recommend to leave at least a 14mm gap between the gate side and the post on both sides.

This will leave you with a 12mm gap where the gates meet in the middle for the latch. Measure and adjust accordingly to suit your needs:

(Left-side: 14mm, + Right-side: 14mm, + Latch Gap 12mm = Total 40mm).

For Single Wooden Gates Only

As per our measuring guide, you would have accommodated an additional 20mm allowance onto your total gate “width” prior to ordering.

This “allowance” will now be used to align and centre your gate between your posts, you may do this however you see fit, we recommend to leave at least a 10mm gap between the gate side and the post.

This will leave you with another 10mm gap on the latch side and the post. Measure and adjust accordingly to suit your needs:

(Hinge side: 10mm, + Latch side: 10mm, = Total 20mm).

  • Hinge Placement:
    Install hinge bolts through the centre of the hanging stile, avoiding the shoulder joint as shown in the example below:
Hinge Bolt Correct
  • Ground Clearance:
    The quoted height is the true height of the gate, we recommended a ground clearance of between 5-8cm (50-80mm) assuming your ground level is flat. If you have a sloped ground level you will have to increase / decrease this height accordingly to suit your situation.

Contact Us for Expert Advice

Not sure which gate suits your needs? Our experts are happy to help. Get in touch today and find the perfect garden gate, driveway gate, or side gate for your property!